Sunday, April 22, 2012

Noir 360 - Wireless Controller

A picture of my black wireless Xbox 360 controller.

Mod cost: $5

Update: If you undertake this little task, send in some pics, I'll be sure to put them up on this page!

This process is actually fairly simple.

Things you will need:
Plastikote or plasti-color (diferent manufacturers, same general product) can be found at most auto parts stores. I went to AutoZone looking for Plastikote which they didn't have, but found plasti-color which described itself as being used for the same things "vinyl seats, dashboards, door panels, etc.".

It costs about $5 a can after tax and comes in a sadly limited array of colors, they had black, red (fairly bright red), slate blue and a champagne type color. Apparently it also comes in yellow (which might be kind of cool) but they were out of it.

The Steps
There are numerous REALLY well done controller dissections out there so I wont reinvent the wheel here, a good example is this one. The only thing they don't cover is how to get the trigger off, which is fairly simple, just use a flat blade screwdriver to pop the little black arms off of the connector on the trigger, then just put pressure on the trigger (pushing it the opposite way you would if you were playing a game) and use the flat blade to pry the sides of the piece its mounted to away from the controller, do it for each side and it should go through nicely. Once thats done take the spring out and put it somewhere safe, then just slide the trigger piece to the side and twist slightly and it should come right off, its really very easy.

Once thats done take the shoulder buttons off the piece they are attached to (this just makes it easier to spray properly).

The PCB should come right off and the rumble motors with it, set this aside.

Now take all the pieces and rinse them in warm water, use soap if you want but only a little, you don't want any of it to remain once you are done rinsing.

Dry the parts thoroughly with a paper towel or let them air dry for awhile.

Once dried simply take the individual part and, in a well ventilated area/outdoors (the fumes from this stuff are even worse than spray paint IMHO) hold the part at arms length, with the spray can close to your body (about 1.5 ft. between nozzle and part) and start lightly making passes over the surface.


Make quick passes, do NOT try to get it solid black in one coat. Unlike spray paint this stuff actually causes a chemical reaction with the plastic, causing the color to be absorbed into the plastic itself (which is why I chose this over regular paint which fades and rubs off fairly easily).

This means two things.
  1. If you overspray it will be nearly impossible to correct your mistake properly, as there is no layer of paint to sand down, you will be sanding almost directly onto the original surface.
  2. The parts will be vulnerable to damage until they cure. You can literally take your fingernail and scoop soft plastic right off the surface just after you spray them. So BE CAREFUL!
That being said, make a LIGHT pass, hold the piece for about 30 seconds, set it down, do the next piece, hold it for 30 seconds, set it down, rinse/repeat until all the parts have been VERY lightly coated. You should still see plenty of white, this is fine.

Now, start with the first piece again, give it another very light coat. Very light, keep the nozzle about a foot and a half away from the part.

If you smell heavy fumes please, STOP, this stuff will make you very sick, worse than spray paint. Get a ventilator or move to a better ventilated area if need be, don't mess with this stuff.

Once you go through a second coat on all the parts...go for another one. After the third coat you should be down to touch-ups. Make sure you spray along the seams, there are gaps between the parts and if you don't get the seams properly you will be able to see white when you look at it.

Also pay attention to the inner neck of the joysticks, you have to intentionally spray in there (CAREFULLY!), they won't pick up enough dye just from you spraying the surface.

Once you have your third coat and touch-ups done, let it dry/cure for about 20 minutes, then find a well lit area and go over the parts, make sure you coated them properly, make sure no white shows through.

Once you are satisfied, you can reassemble it. Just reverse the steps outlined above in the disassembly.

This is rather simple and there is only one trick to it.

The rumble motors are only secured in place by being sandwiched between the two halves of the controller. But you have buttons in one half, and rumble motors in the other...gravity being the harsh mistress that she is it can be a PITA to get these to play nice.

Tape to the rescue!

Use a piece of masking tape or scotch tape, do NOT use a really sticky kind of tape (duct tape and five are both right out!), and insert the face buttons (back, start, guide, a,b,x,y) into the front half of the shell, then place tape over them, thus preventing cruel gravity from yoinking them out from under you.

Now simply position the rumble motors on the bottom half properly (the two plastic ridges should be about evenly spaced on the insulator wrapped around the motor) and plop the front half of the shell down on top of it, it takes a bit of wiggling to get everything to go happily back together, and a little bit of force too, but don't be hasty, if its not going, don't force it, take it apart and see if anything is wrong. Patience may save you a $50 controller.

Thats it. Simply put the screws back in, let it cure for about 24 hours, by then it should stand up to even the toughest gameplay.

Enjoy your spanky new black controller!

Picture Time!
The biggest perk of this method vs. ye old spray paint is that the surface stays mostly intact, it doesn't add any appreciable thickness to the pieces (so there are no fit issues), AND it is much, MUCH, more durable than paint.

The the photos above and below you can see how little the surface is changed. The "RT" in the trigger is a VERY shallow impression, but it isn't diminished at all like it would be if you used regular old spray paint.

Stupid huge version of the original.

This silver piece goes with black SO much nicer than the original white.

I couldn't get the camera to NOT focus on my monitor. ;( (p.s.: Clint Mansell ftw)

I am not responsible in any way for any damage that may occur to you or your controller by following the above steps. If you are not comfortable with this type of thing please do not attempt to do it!

User Gallery:
DBiz - via
Hozzy - via the comments

PSP 3.01 Firmware Emulation using DevHook

The latest version of DevHook supports PSP Firmware 3.01 emulation. This means that if you one of the lucky few to own a PS3, you can now stream Playstation games to your PSP while still retaining the ability to run your homebrew applications! This is amazing progress made by a lot of different developers of the PSP Homebrew Community. Kudos to Bolster for releasing this so quickly!

You can find out more information about PSP 3.01 Firmware Emulation from:
PSP Updates

Someone also created a video tutorial on how to install the needed pieces to get this to work.

Rancilio Silvia "PID PIC NES" mod

I have long admired the pioneering work of Rancilio Silvia owners in modding their espresso machines. Here, I present my Silvia given a PIC 16F876 microcontroller brain, a 20 character VFD display, nintendo controller, three zero-crossing solid state relays, IC thermometer, laser cut acrylic top, cold cathode ground effects and shot light. This project has stretched out for quite some time, and will likely continue on as I pick away at it some more. But for now, the bulk of the first wave of coolness is complete. First, a silly demo video, followed by a list of features and discussion.

A microchip PIC16F876 gets temperature readings from a boiler-top mounted National LM34 Temperature Sensor. These temperature readings are processed using the PID control loop which I learned about in detail from the excellent article PID with out a PhD. A thrift store modder's favorite NES controller can set the PID gains, espresso and steam setpoints, temperature calibration values, and heater control PWM period. I wrote the NES code by reading a fantastic spec available from the iGamePlay project. The NES gamepad's popularity is well deserved as is a tough little controller with enough buttons to be useful, yet still very simple. For example, the select button switches between the main mode and setup mode, and the arrow buttons allow you to choose and alter variable values. It works out pretty cleanly. The main display currently shows a) the current temperature, b) the heater power setting (0 - 100 percent, which translates to a PWM heat amount), c) a timer showing how long the machine has been heating up, and d) a timer that alternates between a shot timer, and a timer showing how long the machine has been temperature stable and ready (remaining within 0.5 degrees of the set point).

One of the most interesting challenges so far has actually been tuning the PID loop. Currently though, after it settles, the machine appears to be indefinitely stable (I've seen it stable for over 2 hours before shutting off the machine) to about 0.1 degrees of the set point temperature. Interestingly, stability improved substantially after I finally closed the machine back up (after easily a year of being in terminal state of "operational dissassembly") and insulated the boiler from room drafts etc.

Shot Timer
One of the big motivations to go the distance and give the PIC total machine control was to enable a shot timer. When the top switch is thrown, it starts counting the seconds. It was basically a lot of work to make the machine act like it always does, but just so the PIC knows about it. The front panel switches are all "virtual" just pulling pins on the microcontroller which in turn throws the relays. One cool side effect of this is that starting a shot no longer makes a click sound on my stereo speakers. I think this is because the zero-crossing relays remove the spark-gap that occurs with a normal 120 switch (that's just a guess, but something changed because the grinder switch still sends out an electric 'pop' . . . for now).

A closeup of the VFD display showing a slightly outdated version of the interface.

Remote Control
Once I had the PIC sitting between the switches and the relays, and I had a NES controller setup to change PID values, my inner (or is that outer?) nerd forced me to add a useless "remote control" feature that replicates the front panel switches with the A, B, and start buttons on the gamepad. Eventually, I would like to put a solenoid on the steam wand valve so that I can call for water and steam completely with buttons and switches, and get rid of the squeeky knob (btw, does anyone know how to lubricate the steam valve with something more edible than WD-40?).

A combination 5v/12v power supply left the door open for some code cathode lights to sit on the 12v rail. While there is some utility in adding light under the brew head, this is mostly just silliness-- especially my "ground effects." A laser cut clear acrylic top allows for the VFD display to be viewable without undermining the sleek boxy shape of the Silvia.

While there are still quite a few wires swimming around under the top, the overall number has been reduced, and it makes for a fairly clean appearance from above. I removed both top-mounted thermostats, and the switches have only 2 wires each instead of 4 going to each switch. Sadly, the little switch lights don't work. Though perhaps its possible to get them back?

I also drilled and plumbed a drain from the bottom of the drip tray. The plumbing technique was the great idea of a clever hardware store employee who showed me to the lamp parts section. The key ingredients are a threaded tube and low profile gnurled nut. A tube feeds a growler under the table and greatly reduces the number of spills from an overflowing drip tray. I am the kind of person who forgets to fill the water tank and empty the drip tray., so I really like this mod. I used to have the intake plumbed out to a remote water tank as well. It was great to be able to see the water level (a feature I hope to add for the internal tank), but ultimately it doesn't look as clean and the internal reservoir gives a little preheat to the water as well (Has anyone tried preheating their water out there, perhaps with a fish tank heater?). Heres two pics of the drain plumbing.

A view down into the tray. I've since trimmed the top off the tube coming into the tray.

Underneath the drip tray, taking advantage of a factory access hole in the bottom of the machine.

Some Guts

I had originally planned to make space for the power supply and electronics by remoting the water tank, but everything ended up fitting. The electonics was luckily simple enough that I could just solder it all on a perf-board instead of needing a real circuit board (which would still be cool, especially if one were to make more of these...)

Screw terminals on both ends of the perf-board work great as the interface to the rest of the machine. Plus, it's fun to wire stuff up solder-free with just a crimper and some terminals.

Well, if you made it this far, thanks for reading. I'll keep my eye on the comments section here if there are any questions.

PSP Firmware 3.0 Released

The latest PSP firmware has been released. All you have to do is access Network Update and download the file. Of course you will lose all hope of running any homebrew for a while. So make sure you have 2 PSP's.... :-) Here is what's new:
  • [Remote Play] has been added as a feature under [Network].
  • [Online Instruction Manuals] has been added as a feature under [Network].
  • Timed recording has been added as a feature under [RSS Channel].
  • A visual player has been added as a feature under [Music].
  • 3-speed fast forward and fast reverse has been added as a feature under [Music].
  • [Camera] has been added as a feature under [Photo].
  • [UMD Auto-Start] has been added as a feature in [System Settings] under [Settings].
  • PLAYSTATION Network titles are now supported under [Game].
If you do not have wifi on your psp you can download the update from joystiq.

PSP Firmware 3.0 supports PS3 syncing

Here are a few of the new features that will make it into the 3.0 release of the PSP firmware:

Remote Play - Remote play is a new feature in Firmware 3.00 that allows you to remotely control your PlayStation 3 from your PSP. This also includes the display of PS3 content on the PSP. "You can display a PLAYSTATION®3 system screen on a PSP™ system and play content that is on the PS3™ system. To use this feature, you must adjust the necessary settings on the PSP™ system and the PS3™ system." Using this new mode of playback, one can control the Photo, Music, Video, and Internet Browser features of the PlayStation 3 from a remote location via their Playstation Portable.

Video Compatibility - In this updated version of the Playstation Portable firmware, you are also able to play a few new video formats. The Motion JPEG format (M-JPEG), is an "informal name for multimedia formats where each video frame or interlaced field of a digital video sequence is separately compressed as a JPEG image" (Wikipedia). The PlayStation Portable plays both the Linear PCM and the μ-Law versions of the Motion JPEG video format. In addition, you will now be able to access the Camera (functionality) from the photo option menus, for quicker easier access when taking photos or video. Another nifty function is the ability to finally turn off Auto Play for inserted UMD Discs via UMD Auto Boot. (Thanks zerojay)

PlayStation Games - Here's the big tip you've been waiting for. Finally, Sony is going to drop their highly anticipated PlayStation One emulator onto the PSP. From the manual however, there seems to be a unavoidable catch. If you don't have a PS3, your not going to be enjoying PlayStation One games emulating on Sony's PlayStation One emulator for PSP anytime soon. From the manual it states that you must connect to the Playstation Online store with your PSP connected to the PlayStation 3 in order to download and play the games. In addition, they mention that you can in fact share the games, but you must activate the other system in the Friends menu as a PS3 Network Account.

More info can be found in the PSP 3.0 Firmware manual:

PS3 to PSP Sync - Use PSP to control PS3

I'm looking for someone who has a PS3 and a PSP to test something for me. If you have it please contact me.

Time to preorder a PS3? How the PSP will Interact with PS3

The Playstation is just days away from being released. If you have not gotten a pre-order yet, getting a PS3 now would be like winning the lottery. With such low shipments, and such high demand, people are going to be willing to pay 3 and 4 times the $ for these things when the holidays roll around.

So how will the PSP play with the new Playstation 3? Sony has been pretty tight lipped about this one. Here are some good guesses:

Sony will follow in Microsoft's footsteps, and do a video distribution channel. Now that the PSP can talk wirelessly to the PS3, it will be easy for the PS3 to download high def movies for your home theater and also down convert it's high def video on demand to make it playable on the PSP screen over wifi.

It may also all tie in with Location Free. If anyone has not seen this before, you hook up a base station to your cable box and you can stream it to these nice Wireless LCD panels, your PSP, or to your PC by using software for windows XP to watch the live streams. Does anyone else notice how the new LocationFree Player Hardware looks similar to the PS3's case style?

The PSP may also be able to act as a remote control to the PS3 to make it easy to preview and queue up videos and music wirelessly throughout the house. I'm sure Sony has been itching to outdo my PSP Home Control Setup when I did that over a year ago.

I am going to try, but I don't think I will have a PS3 when it comes out. Nevertheless I'll be watching the scene to bring you the latest and greatest in PSP hacks and soon PS3 hacks. I've opened a new ps3 hacks blog called: LiquidIce's PS3 Hacks. Be sure to bookmark it and check back after launch for all of the ps3 hacking tips.

Stream Live TV to your PSP using TVUPlayer PMP and VLC

Wow, this is really cool! This video demonstrates how to get live TV on your PSP over the wifi network.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Beginning SQL Server 2005 Programming

book cover
SQLServer 2005 represents the 2 major revision to SQLServer since that time, and, as we did the planning for this cycle of books, we realized that we once again had a problem — it was too big. The new features of SQLServer 2005 created a situation where there was simply too much content to squeeze into one book, and so we made the choice to split the old Professional series title into a Beginning and a more targeted Professional pair of titles. You are now holding the first half of that effort.
My hope is that you find something that covers all of the core elements of SQLServer with the same success that we had in the previous Professional SQLServer Programming titles. When we’re done, you should be set to be a highly functional SQLServer 2005 programmer, and, when you need it, be ready to move on to the more advanced Professional title.
Who This Book Is For
It is almost sad that the word “Beginner” is in the title of this book. Don’t get me wrong; if you are a beginner, then this title is for you. But it is designed to last you well beyond your beginning days. What is covered in this book is necessary for the beginner, but there is simply too much information for you to remember all of it all the time, and so it is laid out in a fashion that should make a solid review and reference item even for the more intermediate, and, yes, even advanced user.
The beginning user will want to start right at the beginning. Things are designed such that just about everything in this book is a genuine “need to know” sort of thing. With the possible exception of the chapters on XML, Reporting Services and Integration Services, every item in this book is a fundamental item to you having the breadth of understanding you need to make well-informed choices on how you approach your SQLServer problems.
Chapter 01 - RDBMS Basics - What Makes Up a SQL Server Database?
Chapter 02 - Tools of the Trade
Chapter 03 - The Foundation Statements of T-SQL
Chapter 04 - JOINs
Chapter 05 - Creating and Altering Tables
Chapter 06 - Constraints
Chapter 07 - Adding More to Our Queries
Chapter 08 - Being Normal - Normalization and Other Basic Design Issues
Chapter 09 - SQL Server Storage and Index Structures
Chapter 10 - Views
Chapter 11 - Writing Scripts and Batches
Chapter 12 - Stored Procedures
Chapter 13 - User Defined Functions
Chapter 14 - Transactions and Locks
Chapter 15 - Triggers
Chapter 16 - A Brief XML Primer
Chapter 17 - Reporting for Duty, Sir! - A Look At Reporting Services
Chapter 18 - Getting Integrated With Integration Services
Chapter 19 - Playing Administrator
Appendix A - Exercise Solutions 577
Appendix B - System Functions 587
Appendix C - Finding the Right Tool 639
Appendix D - Very Simple Connectivity Examples 647
Appendix E - Installing and Using the Samples 651
Password: ganelon

Complexity and Cryptography, An Introduction

book cover
This book originated in a well-established yet constantly evolving course on Complexity and Cryptography which we have both given to final year Mathematics undergraduates at Oxford for many years. It has also formed part of an M.Sc. course on Mathematics and the Foundations of Computer Science, and has been the basis for a more recent course on Randomness and Complexity for the same groups of students.
One of the main motivations for setting up the course was to give mathematicians, who traditionally meet little in the way of algorithms, a taste for the beauty and importance of the subject. Early on in the book the reader will have
gained sufficient background to understand what is now regarded as one of the top ten major open questions of this century, namely the P = NP question. At the same time the student is exposed to the mathematics underlying the security
of cryptosystems which are now an integral part of the modern ‘email age’. Although this book provides an introduction to many of the key topics in complexity theory and cryptography, we have not attempted to write a comprehensive text. Obvious omissions include cryptanalysis, elliptic curve cryptography, quantum cryptography and quantum computing. These omissions have allowed us to keep the mathematical prerequisites to a minimum. Throughout the text the emphasis is on explaining the main ideas and proving the mathematical results rigorously. Thus we have not given every result in complete generality.
The exercises at the end of many sections of the book are in general meant to be routine and are to be used as a check on the understanding of the preceding principle; the problems at the end of each chapter are often harder.
Chapter 01: Basics of cryptography
Chapter 02: Complexity theory
Chapter 03: Non-deterministiccomputation
Chapter 04: Probabilistic computation
Chapter 05: Symmetric cryptosystems
Chapter 06: One wayfunctions
Chapter 07: Public key cryptography
Chapter 08: Digital signatures
Chapter 09: Key establishment protocols
Chapter 10: Secure encryption
Chapter 11: Identification schemes
Appendix 1: Basic mathematical background
Appendix 2: Graph theory definitions
Appendix 3: Algebra and number theory
Appendix 4: Probability theory
Appendix 5: Hints to selected exercises and problems
Appendix 6: Answers to selected exercises and problems
Password: ganelon

Building Client-Server Applications with VB.NET

book cover
You are probably thinking, "This is just another .NET book." That was what I thought at first, when I was asked to read a couple of draft chapters by Jeff. Well, I have to admit that this is not just another .NET book. Jeff has really done a fine job in this book; he describes the logical process and notes the considerations you must take into account to create excellent code. He uses examples of code and personal experience to effectively illustrate his points. Furthermore, Jeff has captured some keen insights in this book that have come from the projects he has worked on in the recent past.
The reader will definitely benefit from these shared insights. I first met Jeff at a meeting with mutual customers over a year ago. Jeff was tasked with architecting, prototyping, and then leading a team of developers to create an application for this customer using the new MS .NET Framework technology that was actually in beta at the time. I worked with Jeff on several of the challenges he faced. I was impressed by his professional skills and deep technical acumen. He uncovered some issues and really put me to task in assisting him in gathering answers because when Jeff asked for help, I came to expect that it was not a trivial issue.
The MS .NET Framework technology and the MS Visual Studio .NET developer product have created a lot of buzz and excitement with developers who have taken the time to try it. The enthusiasm being shared reminds me of the Visual Basic (VB) 1.0 days more than 10 years ago. For with VB 1.0, MS Windows development became more commonplace and accessible to all. Visual Studio .NET has truly created a similar market phenomenon. The following are much more accessible to everyone: the power of object-oriented programming, services such as transactions and threading, reflections (which Jeff really does a fine job of explaining), and cross-language debugging (with more than 24 languages from which to choose).
Moreover, the innovations in ASP.NET—such as the code behind, the core Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Web Services support available in the .NET Framework, or the new dataset object in ADO.NET—all combine to open new possibilities for developers to solve complex problems quickly.

Chapter 01 - Understanding Application Architecture: An Overview
Chapter 02 - Building an N-Tier Application
Chapter 03 - Creating the Application Infrastructure
Chapter 04 - Handling Errors with Class
Chapter 05 - Building Business Objects
Chapter 06 - Creating the Windows User Interface
Chapter 07 - Revisiting Objects and Rules
Chapter 08 - Reusing Code
Chapter 09 - Understanding Server-Side Business Rules
Chapter 10 - Using Reflection
Chapter 11 - Implementing Web Services and the UDDI
Chapter 12 - Creating a Web Forms Interface
Chapter 13 - Globalizing and Localizing Your Application
Appendix A - Adding Support for Unicode Characters
Appendix B - Recommended Reading
Password: ganelon

Essential C# 2.0

book cover
This book provides complete, up-to-date coverage of all the programming constructs in C#. Masterfully organized, it allows beginning programmers to get on board and leads more experienced programmers into the world of structured programming. Because of its unwavering focus on the essential programming constructs of C#such as generics, delegates, and much morethis book is indispensable. For programmers who want to solve their day-to-day programming issues using the latest features this modern programming language has to offer, this book is indispensable.
This books is a clear, concise guide to C#including the features new to C# 2.0. The book clearly presents material for beginners and experts and provides contrasts and comparisons between C# and other languages. The C# language is covered comprehensively and each important construct is illustrated with succinct code examples. Complete code examples are available online. Mark Michaelis has organized the material for quick access. Graphical "mind maps" at the beginning of each chapter show what material is covered and how each topic relates to the whole.
C# 2.0 has a multitude of new features that make the language even more powerful, productive, and efficient. These new features are thoroughly covered in this book. A separate appendix on C# 2.0 topics helps readers quickly find new features of the language.
Whether you're just starting out as a programmer, are an experienced developer looking to learn C#, or are a seasoned C# programmer interested in learning the new features of C# 2.0, Essential C# 2.0 gives you just what you need to quickly get up and running writing C# applications.
Chapter 01 - Introducing C#
Chapter 02 - Data Types
Chapter 03 - Operators and Control Flow
Chapter 04 - Methods and Parameters
Chapter 05 - Classes
Chapter 06 - Inheritance
Chapter 07 - Interfaces
Chapter 08 - Value Types
Chapter 09 - Well-Formed Types
Chapter 10 - Exception Handling
Chapter 11 - Generics
Chapter 12 - Collections
Chapter 13 - Delegates and Events
Chapter 14 - Reflection and Attributes
Chapter 15 - Multithreading
Chapter 16 - Multithreading Patterns
Chapter 17 - Platform Interoperability and Unsafe Code
Chapter 18 - The Common Language Infrastructure
Appendix A - Downloading and Installing the C# Compiler and the CLI Platform
Appendix B - Complete Source Code Listings
Appendix C - C# 2.0 Topics
Password: ganelon

Pro VB 2005 And .NET 2.0 Platform 2nd Edition

book cover
With the release of .NET 2.0, the Visual Basic .NET programming language has been officially renamed as Visual Basic 2005—perhaps in an attempt to highlight the fact that the BASIC language used with the .NET platform has nothing to do with the COM-centric VB 6.0. As you would guess, VB 2005 adds even more language features to a developer’s tool chest such as operator overloading, custom conversion routines, and generics. For all practical purposes, there really is no difference between VB 2005, C#, or any other .NET programming language. Now more than ever, an individual’s language of choice is based on personal preferences rather than the language’s overall feature set.
In any case, regardless of which group you identify with, I do welcome you to this book. The overall approach I will be taking is to treat VB 2005 as aunique member of the BASIC family. As you read over the many chapters that follow, you will be exposed to the syntax and semantics of VB 2005, dive into each of the major .NET code libraries (Windows Forms, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, XML web services, etc.), and have athorough grounding in object-oriented development.

Part 1 - Introducing Visual Basic 2005 and the .NET Platform
Part 2 - Visual Basic 2005 Language Fundamentals
Part 3 - Core Object-Oriented Programming Techniques
Part 4 - Advanced Object-Oriented Programming Techniques
Part 5 - Programming with .NET Assemblies
Part 6 - Exploring the .NET Base Class Libraries
Part 7 - Web Applications and XML Web Services
Password: ganelon

Moving to Linux: Kiss the Blue Screen of Death Goodbye!

book cover
Moving to Linux can help you migrate from Windows to Linux in just hours! By the time you've finished, you'll be able to do virtually anything in Linux-without the aggravation, crashes, security risks, or high costs of running Windows!
This is not a book for techies! It's a book for people like you: people who write documents, create spreadsheets, surf the Web, send emails, listen to CDs, play games-and want to do it simply in Linux, without becoming technical experts!
- Convert your Windows PC to a Linux system
- Browse the Internet, send and receive email …
- Connect your digital camera or scanner
- Rip music, burn and play CDs
- Discover the world of Linux games
There's more!! Write, calculate, and present with, the free office suite for Linux that can also read and write all of your existing Microsoft Office documents.
Say goodbye to expensive software upgrades, burdensome Microsoft licensing, Windows viruses, and "blue screens of death." Say hello to computing the way it's supposed to be—with Linux!

Chapter 01 - Introduction
Chapter 02 - Ready … Set … Linux!
Chapter 03 - The Installation
Chapter 04 - Getting Your Hands Dirty
Chapter 05 - Konquering Your World
Chapter 06 - Customizing Your Desktop (or Making Your World Your Own)
Chapter 07 - Installing New Packages
Chapter 08 - Working with Devices
Chapter 09 - Connecting to the Internet
Chapter 10 - Electronic Mail
Chapter 11 - Surfing the Net (Just Browsing?)
Chapter 12 - Keeping Up to Date
Chapter 13 - Word Processors (It Was a Dark and Stormy Night…)
Chapter 14 - Spreadsheets (Tables You Can Count on)
Chapter 15 - Presentation Graphics (For Those Who Need No Introduction)
Chapter 16 - Graphics and Art (Just Call Me Leonardo)
Chapter 17 - Multimedia (If Music Be the Food of Love…)
Chapter 18 - Fun and Games (Very Serious Fun)
Appendix A - The GNU General Public License
Appendix B - Take Command of Linux
Password: ganelon

ASP.NET 2.0 Everyday Apps - For Dummies

book cover
In this book, you’ll find eight complete ASP.NET applications. We’re not talking trivial Hello-World-type applications here. Instead, they’re real-world applications like shopping carts and discussion forums. You can use any of them as-is, or modify them as you see fit. So you’ve got workable stuff already included. (What a concept.)
This book is a practical introduction to ASP.NET 2.0 Web programming. It pro vides you with actual working code to build the most popular types of applications on the Web. These applications enable you to:
- Restrict access to registered users, for all or part of your Web site
- Sell products online via your Web site
- Provide back-end functions for your public Web site, such as file maintenance and reporting
- Let users manage specific types of online content
- Create discussion forums and blogs
ASP.NET 2.0 Everyday Apps For Dummies doesn’t pretend to be a comprehensive reference for every detail of ASP.NET programming. Instead, it takes a learn-by-example approach, under the assumption that you are already a pretty competent programmer who can best learn by seeing real-world exam ples. Designed using the easy-to-follow For Dummies format, this book helps you get the information you need without laboring to find it.

Chapter 01 - Designing ASP.NET 2.0 Applications
Chapter 02 - Using Visual Studio 2005
Chapter 03 - Designing Secure ASP.NET Applications
Chapter 04 - Building a User Authentication Application
Chapter 05 - Building a Product Catalog Application
Chapter 06 - Building a Shopping Cart Application
Chapter 07 - Building a Product Maintenance Application
Chapter 08 - Building a Report Application
Chapter 09 - Building a Content Management System
Chapter 10 - Building a Web Forum
Chapter 11 - Building a Blog Application
Chapter 12 - Ten New Features of ASP.NET 2.0
Chapter 13 - Ten Rookie Mistakes
Chapter 14 - Ten Database Design Tips
Password: ganelon

AutoCAD 2006 VBA - A Programmer’s Reference

book cover
This book provides a concise guide to the kind of customization programmers can achieve with AutoCAD 2006. It demonstrates how to use AutoCAD through short code examples written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). It also includes a complete quick reference that lists all the events, methods, and properties available with AutoCAD. Finally, it describes all the constants and system variables.
What Is This Book About?
This book is about AutoCAD 2006 and how to use AutoCAD VBA in your applications to handle all your drawing tasks more efficiently. It shows you how to programmatically control the creation and editing of individual drawing objects, manipulate linetypes and layers, control text and dimension styles, and do much more. As you encounter each of these topics, you’ll learn all about the associated objects, including their properties, methods, and events.
By interfacing with AutoCAD, you can exploit all of AutoCAD’s functionality that would have taken you a long time to write yourself. This book will first help you learn how to use this functionality. Then it will become a handy reference later, when you have a question that you just can’t answer.
This book splits topics into neat and intuitive segments and makes it easy to find specific information when you need it (that is, when you’re coding real-world applications).
Who Is This Book For?
The book is a reference guide for AutoCAD programmers, and it’s primarily designed to explain and demonstrate the features of AutoCAD 2006. As such, this isn’t a beginner’s guide; however, if you’ve programmed in any language that can interface with other COM objects, you should be able to easily understand and use this book.
In particular, the book is aimed at programmers who use AutoCAD for daily tasks and can see the benefits of customizing and automating these tasks. I present programming techniques needed to create and modify AutoCAD drawings, customize preferences, query and set system variables, and so on, using the built-in VBA. You can customize AutoCAD to any degree of sophistication. If you can think it up, then Ibet you can use AutoCAD VBA and this book to help you achieve your goal.
Chapter 01 - The VBA Integrated Development Environment (VBAIDE)
Chapter 02 - Introduction to Visual Basic Programming
Chapter 03 - Application Elements
Chapter 04 - AutoCAD Events
Chapter 05 - User Preferences
Chapter 06 - Controlling Layers and Linetypes
Chapter 07 - User Interaction and the Utility Object
Chapter 08 - Drawing Objects
Chapter 09 - Creating 3-D Objects
Chapter 10 - Editing Objects
Chapter 11 - Dimensions and Annotations
Chapter 12 - Selection Sets and Groups
Chapter 13 - Blocks,Attributes,and External References
Chapter 14 - Views and Viewports
Chapter 15 - Layout and Plot Configurations
Chapter 16 - Controlling Menus and Toolbars
Chapter 17 - Drawing Security
Chapter 18 - Using the Windows API
Chapter 19 - Connecting to External Applications
Chapter 20 - Creating Tables
Chapter 21 - The SummaryInfo Object
Chapter 22 - An Illustrative VBA Application
Appendix A - AutoCAD Object Summary
Appendix B - AutoCAD Constants Reference
Appendix C - System Variables
Password: ganelon

AutoCAD And AutoCAD LT AIO Desk Reference - For Dummies

book cover
This book gives you an understanding of all the main features that you need to know in order to be productive with AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. The All-in-One Desk References For Dummies are much different from other For Dummies books you may have read; more information is crammed between the two covers, and the content is more in-depth. This book is laid out to focus on individual topics and allows you the freedom of moving around between its minibooks. We recommend that if you are not familiar (or somewhat familiar) with AutoCAD that you read through Books I and II before moving on to the other minibooks.
After you read this book, don’t let it run too far from your desk, you will find it helpful as a reference whenever you might need it.
We expect that you know how to use the Windows operating system and understand the basics of navigating folders and starting applications. To take advantage of everything that AutoCAD offers and what is contained in this book, we assume that you have at least an Internet connection — dial-up at least, but a high-speed cable or DSL connection would be best. As long as you have AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT installed on the computer in front of you and a connection to the Internet, you are ready to get started.
PART 01 - AutoCAD Basics
PART 02 - 2D Drafting
PART 03 - Annotating Drawings
PART 04 - LT Differences
PART 05 - 3D Modeling
PART 06 - Advanced Drafting
PART 07 - Publishing Drawings
PART 08 - Collaboration
PART 09 - Customizing AutoCAD
PART 10 - Programming AutoCAD
Password: ganelon

101 MS Visual Basic .NET Applications

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The 101 sample applications that make up this book contain code that answers many common questions a beginner-to-intermediate-level Microsoft Visual Basic .NET developer is faced with when building Microsoft .NET applications.
Each sample application was developed using a set of coding conventions (which you’ll find in this book), and each sample shares a common look and feel, as much as possible. Each sample also includes a readme.htm file that explains some basics of the application in case you’re reviewing a sample without having the book close at hand.
The samples in this book are ready to be run in either the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 or 2003 development environment. You can find the Visual Studio .NET 2003 files in Chapter folders within the \101VBApps folder; look inside the VS2002 folder within the \101VBApps folder for the Visual Studio .NET 2002 files.
Finally each application is designed to be “F5-able,” meaning that they should all run out of the box, without any special configuration. Any circumstances for which specific software or setup is needed is fully documented in the readme. The only general requirement is that you have Microsoft SQL Server installed either as a default instance or an instance installed with the name NETSDK. You can easily install a version of SQL Server by installing the version of MSDE that ships with the .NET Framework quickstarts.
Explore 101 of the most useful Visual Basic .NET applications in action—and jumpstart your own Microsoft .NET Framework-based development projects. This guide provides expert, behind-the-code commentary on 101 fully executable code samples—distilling more than 700 hours of programming time into best practices for Microsoft Windows Forms development. Each code sample demonstrates core features and functions of Visual Basic .NET and the .NET Framework, explains the underlying programming concepts, and provides a complete code walkthrough. From creating basic data entry forms to drilling deep into the .NET Framework, you’ll learn the techniques that Microsoft’s own developers use to write real-world applications with Visual Basic .NET.
Chapter 01 - Working with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
Chapter 02 - Working with the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Language
Chapter 03 - Data Access
Chapter 04 - Building Windows Forms User Interfaces
Chapter 05 - Building Web Applications
Chapter 06 - Working with Console Applications
Chapter 07 - Interacting with the Operating System
Chapter 08 - Working with the .NET Framework
Chapter 09 - Advanced .NET Framework
Chapter 10 - GDI+
Chapter 11 - Building Enterprise Services Applications
Chapter 12 - COM Interop/PInvoke
Chapter 13 - Visual Studio .NET
Chapter 14 - Securing Applications
Chapter 15 - Coding Conventions
Chapter 16 - Windows Server 2003 for .NET Developers
Password: ganelon

Security for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Security for Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksThis book addresses the problems and brings solutions to the security issues of ad-hoc networks. Topics included are threat attacks and vulnerabilities, basic cryptography mechanisms, authentication, secure routing, firewalls, security policy management, and future developments. An Instructor Support FTP site is available from the Wiley editorial board.

Cisco Express Forwarding (Networking Technology)

Cisco Express Forwarding (Networking Technology)How does a router switch a packet?
What is the difference between routing a packet and switching a packet? What is this CEF feature that is referred to in Cisco documentation and commonly found in Cisco IOS commands?
Cisco Express Forwarding addresses these questions through comprehensive discussions of Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF). CEF is a term used to describe one of the mechanisms used by Cisco IOS routers and Cisco Catalyst switches to forward packets. CEF offers the benefits of improved performance, scalability, and resilience.
CEF is found in almost all Cisco IOS routers and Catalyst switches, however documentation of the topic is very scarce.
This book addresses common misconceptions about CEF and packet switching across various platforms. It helps readers understand CEF and how to troubleshoot whether there is a CEF or another problem occurring in the network.
The book guides readers through CEF basics, supplying exercises and troubleshooting scenarios that enhance their ability to recognize common mistakes, as well as to provide them with some models for configurations that they can follow in their own networks.

Build Your Own .NET Language and Compiler (with source code)

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This practical book presents techniques that you can apply to everyday work. You’ll learn to add scripts and macro languages to your applications, add runtime expression evaluation to their applications, and generate code immediately. Further, you will learn parsing techniques, which are essential to extract information from any structured form of data—like text files, user input, XML, or HTML. As a bonus, the book includes a complete QuickBasic compatible compiler with source code that works. The compiler illustrates the book’s techniques and acts as a versatile .NET language.
All software developers use languages, which are the fundamental tool of the trade. Despite curiosity about how languages work, few developers actually understand how. Unfortunately, most texts on language and compiler development are hard to digest, written from academic platforms for use in college-level computer science programs. On the other hand, Build Your Own .NET Language and Compiler demystifies compiler and language development, and makes the subjects palatable for all programmers.
Ch 01 - A Brief History of Compiler Technology
Ch 02 - A Brief Introduction to the .NET Framework
Ch 03 - A Compiler Flyover
Ch 04 - The Syntax for the QuickBasic Compiler
Ch 05 - The Lexical Analyzer for the QuickBasic Compiler
Ch 06 - QuickBasic Object Modeling
Ch 07 - The Parser and Code Generator for the QuickBasic Compiler
Ch 08 - Developing Assemblers and Interpreters
Ch 09 - Code Generation to the Common Language Runtime
Ch 10 - Implementing Business Rules
Ch 11 - Language Design: Some Notes
Appendix A - quickBasicEngine Language Manual
Appendix B - quickBasicEngine Reference Manual
NOTE: There is something you should know. Source code is not complete! There is about 90+% of it in my upload but not whole. It is, also, the reason why I upload it separated from the book so you could deceide for yourself will you downlad it or not. Naturaly, there is no way for me to know which parts are missing so don't ask me, I don't know. Sorry, but it's not my fault and this is the best I could get. I recomend you to use it because (even like this) will save you a lot of time.
I simply thought it would be fair from me to warn you about this.
Password: ganelon

Application Architecture for .NET: Designing Applications and Services

book cover
Application Architecture for .NET: Designing Applications and Services provides architecture- and design-level guidance for application architects and developers who need to build distributed solutions with the MS® .NET Framework.
This guide identifies the key design decisions you need to make during the early phases of development and provides design-level guidance to help you choose between design options. It helps you develop an overall design by presenting a consistent architecture built of different types of components that will help you achieve a good design and take advantage of the MS platform.
Although this guide is not intended to provide implementation-level guidance for each aspect of the application, it does provide references to specific MS Patterns & Practices guides, MSDN articles, and community sites that discuss in detail the various aspects of distributed application design. You can think of this guide as a roadmap of the most important distributed application design issues you will encounter when using the MS platform.

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Designing the Components of an Application or Service
Chapter 3 - Security, Operational Management, and Communications Policies
Chapter 4 - Physical Deployment and Operational Requirements
Chapter 5 - Appendices
password: ganelon

Build Your Own ARM Cross Compiler Toolchain

GNUARM is a set of open source GNU compiler for ARM microcontroller. The toolchain consists of the GNU binutils, GCC compiler set, Newlib and Insight, the graphical user interface to GNU debugger for Windows and Linux. This article will guide the building process of GNUARM toolchain only for Linux users. For Windows users, there have the installer executable EXE files already. has a tutorial on setting up this tool on Windows environment.

8051 mcu, von Neumann vs Harvard Architectures

We can classify computer architectures into two categories:
von Neumann architecture: computers has a single, common memory space in which both program instructions and data are stored. There is a single internal data bus that fetches both instructions and data. They can not be performed at
the same time
Harvard architecture: computers have separate memory areas for program instructions and data. There are two or more internal data buses, which allow simultaneous access to both instructions and data. The CPU fetches program instructions on the program memory bus.

iF-DEV Free Tools for ARM7/9/XScale

You can get started developing on an ARM for only $99 with dev. kit from iSystem AG. iF-DEV is a complete development tool solution for ARM7, ARM9 and XScale (see Fig. below). The system includes includes everything you need to get started. The small target board contains an ARM-based NXP LPC2138 microcontroller along with a USB-based JTAG debugger. Power to the target is provided by the JTAG’s USB interface.

Microcontroller Programmer DIY

I search about this issue for a while, "Building programmer of our own designs". I found a few of open source programmer projects so that every body can use and contribute it. Here is an opportunity of learning the microcontroller programmer designs from that open schematics. (more…)

Learn Embedded Linux with ARMulator

uClinux is an excellent way to study the embedded operating systems for enginner, student, hobbiest, Linux-enthusiast. I am interested in Embedded Linux for ARM microcontroller. Before buying a new mcu evaluation board, there is a smart way to study the Embedded Linux. That is studying it with the emulator called ARMUlator. (more...)

Analyzing Business Data with Excel

book cover
Learn how to apply Excel's advanced data analysis features to solve real-world business problems. This hands-on reference targets specific business situations, then demonstrates how to create spreadsheets for these problem areas. Topics include statistics, pivot tables, workload forecasting, modeling, queuing, data importing, and more. Perfect for professional Excel users working in an office environment.
As one of the most widely used desktop applications ever created, Excel is familiar to just about everyone with a computer and a keyboard. Yet most of us don't know the full extent of what Excel can do, mostly because of its recent growth in power, versatility, and complexity. The truth is that there are many ways Excel can help make your job easier-beyond calculating sums and averages in a standard spreadsheet.
Analyzing Business Data with Excel shows you how to solve real-world business problems by taking Excel's data analysis features to the max. Rather than focusing on individual Excel functions and features, the book keys directly on the needs of business users. Most of the chapters start with a business problem or question, and then show you how to create pointed spreadsheets that address common data analysis issues.

Aimed primarily at experienced Excel users, the book doesn't spend much time on the basics. After introducing some necessary general tools, it quickly moves into more specific problem areas, such as the following:
- Statistics
- Pivot tables
- Workload forecasting
- Modeling
- Measuring quality
- Monitoring complex systems
- Queuing
- Optimizing
- Importing data
Chapter 01. Excel and Statistics
Chapter 02. Pivot Tables and Problem Solving
Chapter 03. Workload Forecasting
Chapter 04. Modeling
Chapter 05. Measuring Quality
Chapter 06. Monitoring Complex Systems
Chapter 07. Queuing
Chapter 08. Custom Queuing Presentation
Chapter 09. Optimizing
Chapter 10. Importing Data
Chapter 11. The Trouble with Data
Chapter 12. Effective Display Techniques
Password: ganelon

Atmel 8051 MCUs roll for high-volume USB apps

Atmel unrolled 8051-based USB MCUs that feature a USB Full-Speed controller, UART, SPI and a two-wire interface allowing an easy connection to companion devices.... Source:

Configurable ARM-powered SoCs target Linux devices

STMicroelectronics (ST) is sampling a pair of configurable SoCs (system-on-chip processors) powered by ARM9 cores and 600K-gate configurable logic blocks. The SPEAr (structured processor enhanced architecture) Head600 and dual-core SPEAr Plus600 run Linux, support DDR/DDR2 external memory, and target printer, fax, and POS (point-of-sales) devices.... More>>>

Malaysia develops 'smallest' RFID chip

After two years of R&D, the Malaysia Microchip Project gains success with the release of the world's 'smallest' RFID microchip.... More

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NEC expands MCU line for inverter control apps

NEC Electronics has added six highly integrated devices to its 32bit RISC MCU product portfolio for inverter-control systems.... Source:

Evaluation for 32bit ARM7-based MCUs

Low-cost evaluation board is based on the STR750FV2T6 processor - the latest series of super-integrated single-chip 32bit ARM7-based MCUs from STMicroelectronics.... Source:
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