Monday, September 8, 2008

PIC16F877A For Beginners

PIC16F877A is good for beginners, With almost all features which they need eg: i/o Ports, ADC, PWM, timers etc. In this blog I will tell you, how can you make a home setup for experimenting.

You need the following things

1. A computer with Serial Port and loaded with Windows98 or Windows XP (Old system is more better)

2. PIC16F877A ( only $5) or get it from microchip as sample

3. A 8Mhz or 20Mhz Cristal and 2Nos of 22pf or 33pf capacitors

4. One 7805 Regulator IC and a 9V Battery (See try to make a cheep power supply from old computers SMPS)

5. One breadboard

Now You can start


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