Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Proteus 7.2 SP6

I have seen a copy of latest proteus here


Sunday, December 21, 2008

My folio site up and running

So I finally just finished my putting together a folio website with all of my uni work, and hopefully soon professional work too.
Not much more to say about it, check it out here:

It would be cool to get some feedback on what people think looks good/doesn't look good, or any spelling errors etc. I might have made.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"He was like..."

While certainly not the technology focused topic I usually post, I definitely wasted a few minutes trying to sing the following chorus in the true spirit of procrastination. Try to sing along (if you can). If you are linguistically incapable, just reading along is amusing enough.

"he was like
she was all
he was all
they were like
we were all,

like oh my god
like totally

we were like
that was all
they were all
he was like
she was like

all totally
like oh my god"

If this was not educational enough for you, the following "anthropological introduction to YouTube" has a boring title, but is an incredibly fascinating and entertaining discussion of the cultural and social phenomena within the depths of YouTube... and relevant to the video above. Like totally. (warning: 1 hour talk, but definitely one of the better uses of 1 hour in my life).

"He was like..."

While certainly not the technology focused topic I usually post, I definitely wasted a few minutes trying to sing the following chorus in the true spirit of procrastination. Try to sing along (if you can). If you are linguistically incapable, just reading along is amusing enough.

"he was like
she was all
he was all
they were like
we were all,

like oh my god
like totally

we were like
that was all
they were all
he was like
she was like

all totally
like oh my god"

If this was not educational enough for you, the following "anthropological introduction to YouTube" has a boring title, but is an incredibly fascinating and entertaining discussion of the cultural and social phenomena within the depths of YouTube... and relevant to the video above. Like totally. (warning: 1 hour talk, but definitely one of the better uses of 1 hour in my life).

Monday, December 15, 2008

Nice Pen-based Input Research

One of the things I enjoy to using this blog for is to share cool projects from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. This post highlights projects by Gonzalo Ramos (or "Gonzo" for short) and his co-authors. He has worked on several projects demonstrating how much better pen input software could be. These are just a few I like.

1. The Zlider - A pressure sensitive slider widget that adds additional navigation and control capability to standard slider interactions. Academic research video below. Quick demo montage at beginning, but the demo meat is at 3:07

2. Using a Pen to Effortlessly Bridge Displays. Using a stylus, you can simply drag documents between computer screens or mobile devices. The pen motion also implicity defines the orientation of the displays relative to one another. Academic video below. Demos at the beginning and more mobile screen scenarios at around 2:43

3. Rolling the Pen as Input Using an external tracker and a Wacom tablet, rotating the pen in your fingers can be used to control another parameter without moving the stylus. Academic video below, demo meat at 2:19

You can check more of his projects on his website.

Nice Pen-based Input Research

One of the things I enjoy to using this blog for is to share cool projects from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. This post highlights projects by Gonzalo Ramos (or "Gonzo" for short) and his co-authors. He has worked on several projects demonstrating how much better pen input software could be. These are just a few I like.

1. The Zlider - A pressure sensitive slider widget that adds additional navigation and control capability to standard slider interactions. Academic research video below. Quick demo montage at beginning, but the demo meat is at 3:07

2. Using a Pen to Effortlessly Bridge Displays. Using a stylus, you can simply drag documents between computer screens or mobile devices. The pen motion also implicity defines the orientation of the displays relative to one another. Academic video below. Demos at the beginning and more mobile screen scenarios at around 2:43

3. Rolling the Pen as Input Using an external tracker and a Wacom tablet, rotating the pen in your fingers can be used to control another parameter without moving the stylus. Academic video below, demo meat at 2:19

You can check more of his projects on his website.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Internal Oscilator Microcontroller

Yupzzz karena kemaren dapet pesanan dari "mazveri" tentang Internal Oscilator.., jadi lanjutan artikel ADCnya kita tunda dulu yaww... ^_^.

Kebanyakan rangkaian microcontroller yang kita gunakan menggunakan sumber clock Oscilator Eksternal (XTAL). Ada yang menggunakan 4 MHz,11.0592 MHZ, 12 MHz dll. Selain itu microcontroller juga dilengkapi Internal Oscilator. Jika kita mengaktifkan Internal Oscilator ini, maka kita tidak perlu menambahkan XTAL pada rangkaian kita.

Register yg berhubungan dg Oscilator:

Perhatikan gambar berikut :


Gambar di samping berasal dari datasheet ATmega8535 hal. 239.

Register yang berhubungan dengan Oscilator adalah SUT1..0 dan CKSEL3..0

SUT1..0 berfungsi untuk menentukan waktu start-up Oscilator

CKSEL3..0 untuk menentukan sumber Oscilator. Apakah internal atau eksternal?


Gambar di samping berasal dari data sheet ATmega8535 hal. 25

Perhatikan kombinasi nilai CKSEL3..0

Saat kita membeli chip ATmega 8535, register CKSEL3..0 telah diset oleh pabriknya dengan nilai "0001" biner. Ini berarti Internal Oscilator telah diaktifkan. Nilai Internal Oscilator ATmega8535 adalah 1MHz.

Mungkin ada yg nanya??? Jika dari setting awalnya chip ATmega8535 menggunakan Internal Oscilator, Mengapa eksternal oscilator (XTAL) saya berfungsi ??Mengapa setting Oscilator berubah menggunakan Eksternal Oscilator???

Setting Register-Register Oscilator

Saat kita mendownload program ke chip ATmega, setting default programmer CodeVision AVR seperti berikut:


Perhatikan setting fuse bit.

Register CKSEL3..0 diisi dengan nilai "0000" biner. Berarti setting Oscilator chip ATmega berubah menggunakan Oscilator Eksternal.

Kesimpulannya tanpa sadar kita telah merubah setting yang telah diset oleh pabrik.

Jika kita mau mengaktifkan lagi Internal Oscilator maka centang bit CKSEL0, agar register CKSEL bernilai "0001"

Lalu jika sudah ada Internal Oscilator, mengapa banyak orang yang menggunakan Oscilator Eksternal??

Beragam alasannya, misal:

  1. jika kita menggunakan chip ATmega untuk komunikasi serial(RS232) sebaiknya kita memakai XTAL 11,0592 MHz agar tidak ada error saat setting baudrate (error= 0%).
  2. menggunakan XTAL 4MHz, agar chip bisa lebih cepat jika dibandingkan dengan internal oscilator yang hanya 1MHz.


Jika kita sudah terlanjur men "SET" sumber clock chip menggunakan Oscilator Eksternal, maka kita harus memasang XTAL pada rangkaian microcontroller kita. Jika tidak microcontroller kita tidak akan berfungsi.

Saat XTAL telah terpasang dan rangkaian microcontroller kita sudah berfungsi, baru kita bisa merubah sumber clock chip agar kembali menggunakan Internal Oscilator atau tetap menggunakan Eksternal Oscilator

any questions?? post comment on this blog: http:\\avrku.blogspot.com

or send email to: zigan@ymail.com

CodeVisionAVR C Compiler is copyright by Pavel Haiduc, HP InfoTech s.r.l.
AVR is a registered trademark of Atmel Corporation.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

PIC 18F to RS232C using max232

Using max232 we can interface 18F454,18f4550 and 16f877 to PC serial port. Here you can see a very good example

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mengenal ADC (1)

ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) adalah fitur paling populer dari ATmega 8535. Dengan adanya fitur ini kita tidak perlu menggunakan ADC0804 untuk membaca sinyal analog. ATmega 8535 memiliki 8 channel input ADC. Hasil pembacaan ADC beresolusi maksimum 10 bit (hmmm... cukup presisi. Biasanya saya hanya menggunakan 8 bit biar gak bingung ngitungnya.. He3...)

Register-Register yang mempengaruhi ADC:

Berikut adalah daftar register untuk menentukan setting ADC

Register ADMUX

Register ADMUX digunakan untuk:

menentukan tegangan referensi dari ADC

menentukan format data hasil konversi ADC

menentukan channel ADC yg akan digunakan (Ingat!! ATmega 8535 memiliki 8 channel ADC )

Berikut isi dari register ADMUX:

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


Bit 7 (REFS1) dan bit 6(REFS0) digunakan untuk menentukan tegangan referensi ADC.

Bit 7 Bit 6 Tegangan Referensi
0 0

pin AREF, internal Vref di matikan (off)

0 1

pin AVCC, dengan kapasitor eksternal pada  pin AREF

1 0 tidak digunakan



tegangan referensi internal 2,56 V dengan kapasitor eksternal pada pin AREF


Bit 5 (ADLAR) digunakan untuk menentukan format data hasil konversi.

Isi bit ini dengan 1 (ADLAR=1)jika menggunakan resolusi 8 bit


Bit 3..0 (MUX3..0) digunakan untuk menentukan channel ADC


Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Channel ADC
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 1 3
0 1 0 0 4
0 1 0 1 5
0 1 1 0 6
0 1 1 1 7




      tegangan referensi  ADC menggunakan AVCC,  mode 10 bit, membaca channel 1



maka programnya:




Register ADCSRA

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


Bit 7 (ADEN) untuk mengaktifkan ADC. ADEN=0 disable / ADEN=1 enable


Bit 6 (ADSC) untuk memulai (start) pembacaan ADC.


Bit 5 (ADFR)  jika ADFR=1 free running mode , ADFR=0 single conversion


Bit 4 (ADIF) bit penanda interupsi. Bernilai 1 saat konversi ADC selesai.


Bit 3 (ADIE) berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan interupsi ADC. ADIE=1 enable / ADIE=0 disable


Bit 2..0(ADPS2..0) menentukan clock ADC

  Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Clock
  0 0 0 XTAL / 2
  0 0 1 XTAL / 2
  0 1 0 XTAL / 4
  0 1 1 XTAL / 8
  1 0 0 XTAL /16
  1 0 1 XTAL / 32
  1 1 0 XTAL / 64
  1 1 1 XTAL / 128



Register ADCL dan ADCH


merupakan 2 register tempat menampung hasil pembacaan ADC


untuk mengambil nilai nya gunakan ADCW(mode 10 bit) dan ADCH (mode 8 bit)



      adc_data=ADCH; //memasukkan nilai ADC mode 8bit ke variable adc_data



Saat akan menggunakan ADC, hal yang pertama harus di lakukan adalah ADC initialization / inisialisasi ADC (menentukan mode ADC).

contoh inisialisasi ADC:

// ADC initialization
// ADC Clock frequency: 125.000 kHz
// ADC Voltage Reference: AVCC pin
// ADC High Speed Mode: Off
// ADC Auto Trigger Source: None

nyampe sini dulu ya  kenalan ma ADCnya,,,  ntar dismbung lagi ...  ngantuk berat nwech.....^_^


any questions?? post comment on this blog: http:\\avrku.blogspot.com

or send email to: zigan@ymail.com

CodeVisionAVR C Compiler is copyright by Pavel Haiduc, HP InfoTech s.r.l.
AVR is a registered trademark of Atmel Corporation




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